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Tribute ceremony to Prof. Mario Telò

The authorities of the Institut d’études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences would like to inform you that the tribute ceremony to Professor Mario Telò will be held on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, at 5 p.m. at the ULB.

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The Institut d’études européennes Mourns the Loss of Professor Mario Telò

Professor Mario Telò, President Emeritus of the IEE, passed away after a courageous battle with a long illness.

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Can Ukraine join the EU quickly ?

On February 28, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed his country's application to join the European Union. Professor Mario Telò looks at the options open to Ukraine in this white paper published by The Conversation.

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A defender of the role of the EP in the democracy of the Union

In this carte blanche, Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament until his death on 11 January 2022. 

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Session in honour of Prof. Jean-Louis Quermonne

Prof. Mario Telo and the Institute for European Studies of the ULB organise a session in honour of Prof. Jean-Louis Quermonne on May 5, 2021.

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The EU’s role in the world should be at the center of the “Conference on the Future of Europe”

In this "carte blanche" Professor Mario Telò analyzes, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the necessity to strongly and strategically link the needed internal reforms and an enhanced international role for the Union.

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Jean-Louis Quermonne's essential contribution to the revival of political studies on European integration

Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of Professor Jean-Louis Quermonne, jurist and political scientist, and friend of the Institute of European Studies of the ULB.

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The IEE-ULB GEM book series arrives to its 20th edition with Routledge

The GEM book series was established by Professor Mario Teló and Frederik Ponjaert in 2013. Its’ central management is hosted at the Institut d’études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB). Published as a Routledge book series, it gathers original peer-reviewed publications on: "Globalisation, Europe, and Multilateralism"

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The European Union before the Biden challenge: what transatlantic New Deal?

In this carte blanche, Professor Mario Telò analyzes the impact of the victory of the Biden-Harris duo in transatlantic relations.

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Four peer-reviewed books to crown GEM-STONES research project

The first of the four books, published in July 2020, “Supranational Governance at Stake. The EU’S External Competences Caught between Complexity and Fragmentation” was edited by Mario Telò and Anne Weyembergh.

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Brexit and its prophet

Professor Mario Telò analyzes David Frost’s conference at the ULB and highlights the ensuing concerns over the post-Brexit area.

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For a well-balanced outcome 30 years after the collapse of the Berlin Wall

1989-2019, for a well-balanced outcome : from the people’s desire for freedom in 1989 to the political union of the EU? Mario Telò's, President Emeritus of the IEE-ULB, answers our 'Question Time'.

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The Turkish-Kurdish crisis: an essential test for the EU's CFSP?

The Turkish-Kurdish crisis: an essential test for the European Union's Common Foreign Security Policy? Mario Telò's, President Emeritus of the IEE-ULB, proposes an analysis of the crisis.

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Concrete Results and Good Communication : the Challenges of the EU

The challenges of the EU and the recent nominations for the European institution's top jobs are analysed in our "Question Time" with professor Mario Telò.

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The European Elections : the Risk of "Muddling Through"

Mario Telo analyses the results of the European elections, highlighting the different challenges for the future of the EU and the impact of the Europhobes on the ballot.

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Missing Barbara Delcourt

The Institute for European Studies of the ULB pays tribute to professor Barbara Delcourt after a year of her passing. An article by professor Mario Telò.

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The reforme of the Eurozone. Belgium's position

François Roux, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the EU, along with professors Mario Telò and Ramona Coman, will present Belgium's position on the topic of Eurozone reforms on Monday, March 26 mars, 2018, at the IEE-ULB. Registration is mandatory.

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Macron and Europe: three messages of hope

Mario Telò, President Emeritus of the Institute and Director of the GEM Doctoral School, considers that Emmanuel Macron's victory in the French presidential elections is not only a relief for all Europeans because of the catastrophe avoided (Le Pen President), but a rational signal of hope that France will regain its role as a dynamic factor of integration, as it was in the days of Jacques Delors and François Mitterrand.

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The Italian referendum and its European implications

Mario Telo presents the consequences of the NO victory in the Italian referendum on the constitutional reform of December 4, 2016, relating among other things to the provisions for the end of parity bicameralism, the reduction in the number of parliamentarians and the control of the operating costs of institutions.

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EUIA23 focused on Europe’s Pathways to (Dis)Engagement with the World

From May 3rd to 5th, the European Union in International Affairs (EUIA) Conference became the place for academics and policymakers to debate the role of the EU in addressing global challenges.  

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A year to bring new energy to the IEE

The authorities and members of the IEE look back on a year of collective work which has culminated with the obtention of European funding for several research projects, a deepening of our relations with our privileged partners and with our students and alumni.

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GEM-DIAMOND officially launched on October 19 at the IEE-ULB

The kick-off conference, held in Brussels, had the objective of jump-starting a four-year-long shared intellectual journey around the concept of dissensus.

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Doctoral network GEM-DIAMOND to be funded by the European Commission

The GEM-DIAMOND doctoral network is part of a multiannual international research effort on Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism (GEM) and will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus (DIAMOND).

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IEE Alumni organise a debate on the concept of EU’s Open Strategic Autonomy

The concept of EU's Open strategic autonomy was at the center of a seminar organized by the IEE Alumni network on November 12, 2021, with the support of the Institute and in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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IEE Alumni organize a conference on the EU's Open Strategic Autonomy

The IEE alumni chapter is proud to announce their seminar on the EU's Open Strategic Autonomy, organized in collaboration with the IEE, on November 12, at 5:00 pm at the Spaak Room. The conference will also be accessible online.

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Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act

The ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA21) Conference will once again provide a major forum for academics and policy-makers to debate the role of the EU in the turbulent realm of international affairs. After a postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the seventh edition of this event will take place from 26 to 28 May 2021 and focus on the theme ‘Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act’. 

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A year to reinvent ourselves

The 2019-2020 academic year will long be marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. But we also want to underline the solidarity and resilience our community has shown.

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No Amalgamation: USA and EU Facing the Great Asia-Pacific Free Trade Agreement

The RCEP shows the choice of large Pacific economies for multilateralism, free trade, against protectionism and it divides the QUAD, the Indo-Pacific alliance wanted by Trump to isolate China, explains Professor Telò in this carte blanche.

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Summer School - The capacity of regional and international organisations to react to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Institute for European Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences organise a summer school to discuss how the European Union and other international bodies have addressed the transnational problems arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Registration is free.

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Summer School - The capacity of regional and international organisations to react to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Institute for European Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences organise a summer school to discuss how the European Union and other international bodies have addressed the transnational problems arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Registration is free.

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Online conference | Evaluer le CETA 

The Webconference provides a platform for a first exchange between Belgian and Canadian academic experts on CETA.

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Maastricht Treaty : 28 years of increased intergovernmentalism

On February 7, 1992, 28 years ago today, the Union's heads of state and governments ratified the Maastricht Treaty. Conceived as an act of refounding the project of European integration, this Treaty has led to an increased use of intergovernmentalism in European decision-making. Find our reading recommendations from IEE researchers on this subject.

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GEM-STONES European Joint Doctorate's final conference

The final GEM-STONES conference and AGORA Forum will bring together the project’s 15 ERS, partner organisations, senior academics, experts and policy-makers to discuss and disseminate key results of the project.

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Mayday! Watch your clocks, it’s Brexit day

Since 2016, Brexit has been on every lip around Brussels and Europe. The subject of many debates across the continent has unfolded – slowly, excruciating – under our eyes over the past three years. Our professors, researchers and students have analysed the Brexit’s saga in different episodes, that we share with you today.

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Professor Jan Zielonka challenges academia to lead the discussion on EU governance

Thirty years after the celebration of the collapse of the Berlin wall, are we feeling hangover? At the opening of the academic year, Oxford Professor Jan Zielonka questioned the legacy of 1989 and the role of academia on European studies.

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The rule of law debate on the EU agenda. A look inside the Council

As the General Affairs Council sets to meet on December 10, with a focus on Article 7 procedures, Prof. Ramona Coman looks at the rule of law debate in the EU agenda.

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Policy recommendations to enhance European solidarity

Solidarity has been at the centre of research and teaching activities of the Institute for European Studies of the ULB for the past three years. As our a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project, supported by the European Erasmus+ programme, comes to an end, we asked academics to issue policy recommendations on the different aspects of European solidarity at the heart of their work.

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EU in the World: Tools to Understand the EU’s Place as a Global Leader

A European Green Deal, the future of the Cotonou Agreement, the tensions around accession talks of the Balkans to the European Union are all hot topics on the European political agenda. At the IEE-ULB we know that, as a professional, it is important for you to stay up-to-date with EU policy developments and to deepen your knowledge these key topics. The module “EU in the world” of our Executive Programme in European Studies (MEUS) might be for you.

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Conference by Giacomo Marramao on State Sovereignty

Giacomo Marramao, Professor emeritus of Philosophy, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, will be at IEE-ULB to present the conference–debate (in FR): La souveraineté de l'État face à une mondialisation instable et controversée.

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The EP after the 2019 European elections: a vector for change?

Andrew Bradley sheds light on the outcome of the 2019 European elections and the role of the new European Parliament.

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Federica Mogherini to speak at the Palais des Académies

Federica Mogherin is the guest speaker of the « Rencontres internationales de l’Académie royale de Belgique » this Tuesday.

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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

The project awarded in 2016 is dedicated to European solidarity. Research activities include scientific publications, research databases and the organization of international conferences.

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Present and Future of Multilateral Governance and the Role of the EU

The joint GEM-STONES and GEM Annual Conference 2019, hosted at the IEE-ULB, will take place on 7th-8th February 2019. The opening panel is a public event, under registration.

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The State and the Future of the EU on the Eve of the European Elections of 2019

During the 2017-2018 academic year, the Institute for European Studies has actively pursued its missions: teaching, research and public debate. Here's an assessment of this fruitful academic year.

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Reading the complexity of the world, this June at the Royal Academy of Belgium

The Royal Academy of Belgium is the ideal place for the gathering of scientists, politicians, diplomats, officials of European and World institutions, or any curious mind. Its « Rencontres internationales » are back in June under the topic Reading the complexity of the world.

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« Rencontres internationales » of the Royal Academy of Belgium

The Royal Academy of Belgium is committed to hearing and discussing different readings, and measuring their convergence as well as their antagonisms. Its « Rencontres internationales » will allow participants to build their own representation of the complexity of relations between states, regions and cultures. The next two meeting will take place in June.

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EUIA18 conference will award a prize to the best paper

The ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA) Conference provides a major forum for academics and policy-makers to debate the role of the EU in the turbulent realm of international affairs. A selection of the EUIA18 best papers will be published in a themed section of the Journal of European Integration (JEI).

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Italian elections and the challenges to European integration

The series of seminars on the State and the Future of the EU continue with the roundtable "Italian elections and the challenges to European integration". The event will take place on May 11th, 2018, at the IEE-ULB. Registration is mandatory.

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The IEE-ULB, an institute linked to the construction of Europe

At IEE-ULB, innovating at the pace of the construction of Europe is a tradition. Discover our history and the people who have made it happen.

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From European to Transatlantic Solidarity

Watch the opening and closing sessions of the first biennial conference EUEA17, focusing on European and transatlantic solidarity.

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