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Category: Academic

Academic, News, Research

Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act

The ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA21) Conference will once again provide a major forum for academics and policy-makers to debate the role of the EU in the turbulent realm of international affairs. After a postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the seventh edition of this event will take place from 26 to 28 May 2021 and focus on the theme ‘Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act’. 

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Academic, News

IEE Council reelects its leadership trio for the 2021-2023 period

The Council of the Institute for European Studies, meeting on 11 May 2021, has re-elected for two years the leadership trio at the head of the IEE since 2019.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The covid-19 pandemic and human rights: the European Court of Human Rights as the last resort for judicial oversight?

The covid-19 pandemic has led national authorities around the world to take a series of measures to prevent the spread of the virus. These measures have had and continue to have serious consequences for the enjoyment of human rights. In this article, Ilaria Gambardella questions the role that the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights can play in this regard.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

European sovereignty, a French projection?

Is European sovereignty a predominantly French projection? Ramona Coman, Nathalie Brack and Amandine Crespy try to answer.

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EU careers
Academic, Conferences, News, Student life

Conference : EU Careers Challenges & Debates

Professor Nicolas Verschueren presented the IEE-ULB and its teaching offer at the ULB's Master's and PhDs Information Session on April 23, 2021.

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Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

Transatlantic cooperation beyond CETA

A webconference was organised on March 29th, 2021 by the IEE-ULB, with the support of the the Embassy of Canada in Belgium and Luxembourg, to discuss transatlantic cooperation beyond CETA.

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Academic, Conferences, News, Student life

The IEE invites you to the ULB's online info session on Masters & PhDs

On Friday, April 23, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the Université libre de Bruxelles invites you to an info session on Master's & PhDs (SIMA). Discover EU studies at the ULB!

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Teaching and Theorising European politics
Academic, News, Publication

Teaching and Theorising European politics in times of crisis

"Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union" (Cambridge University Press, 2020), edited by Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy and Vivien A. Schmidt and "Theorising the Crises of the European Union" (Routledge, 2021), edited by Nathalie Brack and Seda Gürkan were presented in a double book launch.

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ULB's online open house
Academic, News, Student life

The IEE invites you to the ULB's Online Open House

Join us at the ULB’s Online Open House on March 24, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and let’s find out together if European studies are made for you!

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

Biden, Macron, Merkel… Who will frame the future of Europe? The citizens' view

Prof. François Foret presents the preliminary findings of a research project exploring the cultural and normative foundations of the European multilevel governance provide some insights.

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Academic, News, Projects, Research, Student life

The IEE-ULB invites Professor Chris Bickerton for a series of online lectures

The holder of the Ganshof van der Meersch Chair 2022-2023, Prof. Chris Bickerton, from the University of Cambridge, will participate as guest lecturer in a series of conferences organised by the Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles, as part of the project “Conflicts of Sovereignty in the EU”.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, News, Research

Jean-Louis Quermonne's essential contribution to the revival of political studies on European integration

Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of Professor Jean-Louis Quermonne, jurist and political scientist, and friend of the Institute of European Studies of the ULB.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Publication, Research

The EU–Turkey deal in the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’: when intergovernmentalism cast a shadow on the EU’s normative power

Why did the EU conclude the ‘EU–Turkey refugee deal’ in March 2016 in the context of the Syrian refugee crisis, despite the fact that the agreement deeply contradicts fundamental EU values and norms? Seda Gürkan Ramona Coman explain.

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research assistant
Academic, News, Projects, Research, Student life

Two research assistants join projects at the IEE

Guillaume THERON and Francisco DE ARAUJO VASQUEZ will conduct research for projects coordinated by Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy and Nathalie Brack.

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Academic, Alumni, Conferences, News, Projects, Research, Student life

A year to reinvent ourselves

The 2019-2020 academic year will long be marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. But we also want to underline the solidarity and resilience our community has shown.

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Academic, News, Projects, Research

The IEE-ULB GEM book series arrives to its 20th edition with Routledge

The GEM book series was established by Professor Mario Teló and Frederik Ponjaert in 2013. Its’ central management is hosted at the Institut d’études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB). Published as a Routledge book series, it gathers original peer-reviewed publications on: "Globalisation, Europe, and Multilateralism"

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Academic, Cartes blanches

European rules on minimum wages: governance by data

By becoming legally binding, can data-based governance, the latest version of “governance by numbers”, square the circle of the legitimacy and efficiency of multi-level policy making?

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Academic, Articles, Research

CEVIPOL Working Papers publishes article by IEE International chair professor Antoine Vauchez

As the citizens of the European Union voted in 2019 for the 9th time to elect their Parliament, this article by Antoine Vauchez questions the "effects" of this vote on a polity, the European Union.

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European Court of Justice in Luxembourg
Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News

With CEU "expulsion" Hungary violated academic freedom enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

In this carte blanche, Marianne Dony analyses the decision of the Commission v. Hungary (C ‑ 66/18) of 6 October 2020 on, among other things, academic freedom, affected by the closure of the Central European University in Hungary.

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Graduation at the Grande-Place
Academic, Alumni, News, Student life

A unique graduation ceremony at Brussel's Grande-Place

After a year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 127 graduates of the Master in European Studies, the Specialised Master in European Law, the Specialised Master in EU Interdisciplinary Studies and the Executive Master in EU Studies (MEUS ) celebrated their graduation ceremony at the Grande-Place, in Brussels.

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Post-Crisis European Union
Academic, News, Reading lists, Research

Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union

The European Union of today cannot be studied as it once was. This original new textbook provides a much-needed update on how the EU's policies and institutions have changed in light of the multiple crises and transformations since 2010.

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Academic, News, Research

Prof. Antoine Vauchez to join the IEE-ULB in October as ULB International Chair

This academic year 2020-2021, the Institute for European Studies at the ULB welcomes Professor Antoine Vauchez in the framework of the ULB International Chair.

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welcome ceremony
Academic, News, Student life

A warm welcome to the Institute for European Studies

On September 11, we held a welcome ceremony for the 58th generation of IEE students. The IEE authorities and staff shared their best wishes to all our new students.

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visiting researcher Lucas Schramm
Academic, Research

IEE-ULB welcomes visiting researcher Lucas Schramm

Each academic year, the Institute for European Studies of the ULB hosts a select group of visiting researchers who work around our 4 research themes. Lucas Schramm’s doctoral research focuses on political-institutional crises in the history of the European integration process.

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Academic, News

The IEE-ULB concludes a strategic partnership with EURACTIV

Given the need for faster change shown during the health crisis, building on an existing cooperation, L'Institut d'études européennes de l'Université libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB) and EURACTIV will develop a hybrid (online and on-site) Executive Master in European Union Studies in Brussels (MEUS).

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visiting researcher
Academic, Research

IEE welcomes a new visiting researcher

Each academic year, the Institute for European Studies of the ULB hosts a select group of visiting researchers who work around our 4 research themes. They come to Brussels from universities around the world to deepen their research and expertise in European studies. During their stay, they are supervised by one – sometimes two – of the IEE-affiliated professors.

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summer school covid-19
Academic, Conferences, News

Summer School - The capacity of regional and international organisations to react to the Covid-19 pandemic

The Institute for European Studies and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences organise a summer school to discuss how the European Union and other international bodies have addressed the transnational problems arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. Registration is free.

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study European affairs in Brussels
Academic, News

IEE-ULB relaunches Executive Education programmes with a hybrid twist

The Institute for European Studies of the ULB will relaunch its Executive Education programmes this Autumn, adapting its teaching formats to best suit international participants and mobility restrictions.

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eu external action on democracy Supranational Governance
Academic, News, Projects, Research

Four peer-reviewed books to crown GEM-STONES research project

The first of the four books, published in July 2020, “Supranational Governance at Stake. The EU’S External Competences Caught between Complexity and Fragmentation” was edited by Mario Telò and Anne Weyembergh.

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Academic, Conferences, Projects

Webconference | Évaluer le CETA : acquis, problèmes et contexte international

A recent webconference between Canadian and European academics was an opportunity to assess the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Research

European Union and Covid-19 : chronicle of an announced polycrisis

Carte blanche signed by Cecilia Rizcallah, Emmanuelle Bribosia, Isabelle Rorive and Louise Fromont.

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moral power
Academic, News, Research

'Moral Power' of the European Union in the South Caucasus

The book by IEE-ULB scientific collaborator Syuzanna Vasilyan makes a contribution to studies on the South Caucasus region, builds on theoretically innovative, critical and practice-driven research and presents a synergistic account of the EU, its external policy and the South Caucasus.

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online info session
Academic, Conferences, News, Student life

Join us for an online info session on Master's & PhDs

Join us on May 20th, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for an online session on Master's and Phds organised by the Université libre de Bruxelles and learn more about our programmes in EU studies!

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regional organisations african union
Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The Covid-19 crisis and regional organisations: more money, more problems?

In this article published by The Conversation, Frank Mattheis reflects on the Covid-19 & regional organisations such as the African Union.

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full-time research and teaching assistant
Academic, News

Law faculty is hiring a full-time research and teaching assistant in EU Law

A full-time research and teaching assistant post is available at the ULB's Faculty of Law and Criminology, specifically in the area of EU Law.

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Online Open House
Academic, News

The IEE will present its programmes during an Online Open House

Due to current measures to fight COVID-19, the ULB is adapting to the situation and is offering a Online Open House on May 6, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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human rights in the covid-19 pandemic
Academic, News

Human mobility and human rights in the COVID-19 pandemic

The New School’s Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility, Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and Cornell Law School’s Migration and Human Rights Program, are jointly releasing a 14-point series of principles to protect migrants, refugees and other displaced populations, as the world confronts the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. Nearly 800 international experts have endorsed the document, including IEE Vice-president Emmanuelle Bribosia and Professor Philippe De Bruycker.

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research themes
Academic, News, Projects, Research

Book Presentation: Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations

Since 2016, the IEE-ULB has lead a "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence" project supported by the European Erasmus+ programme. During the three years of this project, our researchers have put the notion of solidarity at the heart of their work. One of the results was the publication of a book entitled "Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations."

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media information and communication
Academic, News

Navigating EU Media, Information and Communication in times of crisis

Making sense of EU information, communicating the EU effectively and navigating its media landscape can become hazy. It is essential for communication professionals in EU affairs to make sense of the constant noise and get to know how to have their voice heard.

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Research logistic collaborator vacancy
Academic, Research

Job Vacancy - Call for application for one post-doc position

This is a call for application for one full-time post-doctoral position to work at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in the framework of a research project dealing with “The politicisation of fiscal discipline and the oversight of national budgets in the European Union”.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News

Brexit and its prophet

Professor Mario Telò analyzes David Frost’s conference at the ULB and highlights the ensuing concerns over the post-Brexit area.

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European Court of Justice in Luxembourg
Academic, Articles, News

The European Union as an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

As challenges to the rule of law within EU Member States continue to arise, high-profile cases of international pursuit of politicians and businessmen fill our screens and instability in the region leads to intensified debates around migration flows. The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice is more than ever put to the test, and understanding the stakes is crucial for professionals in the EU context.

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rule of law conditionality
Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News, Projects, Student life

Rule of law as integral part of the next MFF: to what extent and why?

The impact of a potential rule of law conditionality in the management of EU funds is at the center of this piece by Maria Schinina, official representative of the Italian Chamber of deputies to the European Parliament and participant in the IEE's MEUS.

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Benedek Jávor giving a lecture at the IEE
Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Conferences, News, Projects, Student life

Benedek Jávor says the Hungarian case shows the EU's shortcomings

Amelie Tagu, student in European Studies, dialogues with Benedek Jávor, former Member of the European Parliament, on the Rule of Law in Hungary and what it tells us about the situation within the European Union.

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academic year
Academic, Alumni, Conferences, News, Projects, Research, Student life

An academic year devoted to Europe of knowledge

The 2018-2019 academic year allowed the IEE-ULB to develop initiatives around its three missions: research, teaching and public debate. Here is a glimpse of this productive year during which we looked at European issues such as the rule of law, the European elections and Brexit.

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jan zielonka
Academic, Multimedia, News, Student life

Professor Jan Zielonka challenges academia to lead the discussion on EU governance

Thirty years after the celebration of the collapse of the Berlin wall, are we feeling hangover? At the opening of the academic year, Oxford Professor Jan Zielonka questioned the legacy of 1989 and the role of academia on European studies.

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rule of law debate
Academic, Cartes blanches, News

The rule of law debate on the EU agenda. A look inside the Council

As the General Affairs Council sets to meet on December 10, with a focus on Article 7 procedures, Prof. Ramona Coman looks at the rule of law debate in the EU agenda.

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Marianne Dony liber amicorum
Academic, Research

A book to honour Marianne Dony's exceptional career

This volume published in honour of Professor Marianne Dony deals with the main subjects of European law that she has studied throughout her career. Like a kaleidoscope reflecting an infinite number of images, the diversity of the subjects covered reflects not only the versatility of Marianne Dony's expertise, but also the essential place of European law in the lives of European citizens

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News

For a well-balanced outcome 30 years after the collapse of the Berlin Wall

1989-2019, for a well-balanced outcome : from the people’s desire for freedom in 1989 to the political union of the EU? Mario Telò's, President Emeritus of the IEE-ULB, answers our 'Question Time'.

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Policy recommendations on European solidarity
Academic, Conferences, News, Research

Policy recommendations to enhance European solidarity

Solidarity has been at the centre of research and teaching activities of the Institute for European Studies of the ULB for the past three years. As our a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project, supported by the European Erasmus+ programme, comes to an end, we asked academics to issue policy recommendations on the different aspects of European solidarity at the heart of their work.

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