Marianne Dony is an ordinary professor at the ULB (Faculty of Law and IEE), Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law. She was Director, Vice-President and President of the IEE and is currently President of the Centre for European Law.

6 April 2016: The Dutch reject by referendum the ratification by the Netherlands of the Association Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and Ukraine, on the other.

Second half of October 2016: the European Union, twenty-seven of its Member States and Canada are focused on Belgium, where opposition from several federated entities is blocking the signing of the AACC between Canada, on the one hand, and the European Union and its Member States, on the other; Bulgaria and Romania, on the other hand, are forcing Canada to make concessions in the visa field.

1 December 2016: The Walloon Parliament hears the Vietnamese ambassador on the free trade agreement negotiated between Vietnam and the European Union; some of its members express reservations by raising issues related to the protection of human rights.

2 December 2016: the Walloon Region threatens to declare an immediate and definitive non-ratification of the AACC.

It certainly seems increasingly difficult for the Union to conclude trade agreements. How did it come to this?


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