Cartes blanches Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes

Category: Cartes blanches

Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "60 nuances de gris: l’art et la science d’in-betweenness" by Jing-syuan Wong

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, closes with an article by Jing-syuan Wong.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "EU’s Balancing Act: Geopolitics and Democracy in the Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy" by Marta Matrakova

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Marta Matrakova.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Global Europe Heal thyself, But Make Sure the Cure Isn’t Worse Than the Disease" by Frederik Ponjaert

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Frederik Ponjaert.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "The EU’s Fading ‘Moral Power’ in the Neighborhood" by Syuzanna Vasilyan

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Syuzanna Vasilyan.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "An invitation to dare " by Chiara Armeni

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Chiara Armeni.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Protection des intérêts financiers de l’UE" by Chloé Brière

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Chloé Brière.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Reformer l’UE : pourquoi, comment et surtout quand ? " by Ramona Coman

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Ramona Coman.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L’Europe a besoin de vous" by Amy Weatherburn

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Amy Weatherburn.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L’Europe sociale : insignifiante, dangereuse, ou en rattrapage ?" by Amandine Crespy

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Amandine Crespy.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Will Social Europe finally happen?" by Bastian Kenn

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues an article by Bastian Kenn.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "A la recherche de l’Europe sociale oubliée" by Nicolas Verschueren

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with two articles by Nicolas Verschueren.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "La mutation de la politique des aides d’État" by Marianne Dony

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Marianne Dony.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Quelle place encore pour la politique de la concurrence dans l’Union européenne aujourd’hui ?" by Jean-François Bellis

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Jean-François Bellis.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Le lent avènement de l’Union budgétaire" by Paul Dermine

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Paul Dermine.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "What Can We Learn from Inflation to Futureproof Our Union?" by Anna Zech

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Anna Zech.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60

'60 years in 6000 characters' - The achievements and challenges of the European Single Market by Fabienne Ilzkovitz

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Fabienne Ilzkovitz.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "60 Years of Costa v. ENEL" by Giulia La Torre

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Giulia La Torre.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "EU’s spending power as an alternative instrument to foster EU integration" by Ilaria Gambardella

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Ilaria Gambardella.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Integrating European values" by Pauline Thinus

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Pauline Thinus.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Une Europe contée" by Maria Carmela Noviello

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Maria Carmela Noviello.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "Rethinking the role of expertise in the European Union" by Piotr Marczyński

The series of cartes blanches, published to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB, continues with an article by Piotr Marczyński.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - "L'Europe et son Autre" by Martin Deleixhe

The weekly publication of "cartes blanches", scheduled until summer 2024 as part of IEE-ULB's sixtieth anniversary, continues with an article by Martin Deleixhe.

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Cartes blanches, IEE 60, News

'60 years in 6000 characters' - a series of 'carte blanche' to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the IEE-ULB

In 2024, the IEE-ULB turns 60! To celebrate this milestone, its members are invited to reflect on questions about European integration that have been with us since 1964 and that are still relevant in 2024. In a short, accessible format, our researchers draw a mosaic portrait of Europe, between change and continuity.

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delegated rulemaking
Cartes blanches, Research

Delegated and Implementing Acts in Times of Crisis: Practice and Challenges 

Ph.D researcher Giulia Gallinella discusses on this this brief piece the use of delegated rulemaking during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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Cartes blanches

The Ride, an op-ed by László Andor

This article is about the ride that never happened, despite reportedly being offered to President Volodymyr Zelensky by American officials, at the moment of Russia launching the aggression against Ukraine from North, East and South.

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Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

Macron's European ambition: when sovereignty rhymes with security

Conflicts of sovereignty, the aporia of European sovereignty, invariants of the French vision: discover the analysis of the rotating French presidency of the Council deciphered by professor and researcher Amandine Crespy in this new carte blanche.

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Defence and security
Cartes blanches, Publication, Student life

The lack of unity in the EU’s defence and security policies: Europe at a crossroads?

Discover the latest articles published by Eyes on Europe, the student magazine of the IEE-ULB! On the programme: Analysis of the defence relations within the Union in this period of war.

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Cartes blanches, Research

The war in Ukraine, a story of wasted opportunities

This opinion piece was presented by Prof. Pieter Lagrou at the conference « Décoder le conflit en Ukraine », organised by the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the ULB, the Institut d'études européennes, Cevipol, REPI, MMC and CTP le on March 10, 2022.

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Cartes blanches, News

Can Ukraine join the EU quickly ?

On February 28, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed his country's application to join the European Union. Professor Mario Telò looks at the options open to Ukraine in this white paper published by The Conversation.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Conferences, News

The strengths and limitations of the European way of life

The role of the European Union in promoting the European way of life was the focus of Commissioner Margaritis Schinas' talk in Professor François Foret's "European Union and European Societies" course on January 24, 2022.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

EU-ACP Negotiation : even in the past, a tough nut to crack

In this article, our visiting researcher Maurice Pascal Nzumbu Lo Ambetima exposes the very complicated process of negotiation between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific states (ACP) through time.

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Cartes blanches

A defender of the role of the EP in the democracy of the Union

In this carte blanche, Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament until his death on 11 January 2022. 

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News, Research

SOTEU21 : A diluted vision for the East and the South

Ursula von der Leyen's second State of the Union speech (SOTEU21) was analysed by two of our researchers and here we share their thoughts on the vision presented for the East and the South.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Research

Understanding Conflicts of Sovereignty in the EU: A new angle to analyse EU integration

In the framework of the SovEU research project (Conflicts of Sovereignty in a European Union in Crisis) the notion of sovereignty and the relevance of sovereignty conflicts in explaining ongoing developments in EU integration were explored in the new book Understanding Conflicts of Sovereignty in the EU, published by Routledge and as a special issue for the Journal of European Integration.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The importance of the Istanbul Convention in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, violence against women has been found to have increased. Is the Istanbul Convention the solution to the violence against women in Europe? Now is the time to take stock.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

From Semmelweis to Karikó : Hungarian physicians in the vortex of history

With reference to the Covid-19 context, this paper will examine the stories of Semmelweis, Szent-Györgyi and Karikó which highlight that great medical discoveries often emerge from a confrontation with the forces of conservativism. Scientists and practicioners of medicine find themselves in a fight against the odds of history more often than they would expect.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Conferences

Increasing EU competences in a health crisis situation : necessity or interference?

For the opening of the 'Apéros du droit' of the Centre de droit européen, a web conference on the difficulties encountered during the COVID-19 health crisis and the responses that the Union could provide was organised. The event was chaired by Dr. Louise Fromont (ULB) with the participation of honorary Pr. Marianne Dony (ULB), and Mr Olivier Louppe, lawyer at the Brussels Bar specializing in the field of health.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The covid-19 pandemic and human rights: the European Court of Human Rights as the last resort for judicial oversight?

The covid-19 pandemic has led national authorities around the world to take a series of measures to prevent the spread of the virus. These measures have had and continue to have serious consequences for the enjoyment of human rights. In this article, Ilaria Gambardella questions the role that the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights can play in this regard.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

European sovereignty, a French projection?

Is European sovereignty a predominantly French projection? Ramona Coman, Nathalie Brack and Amandine Crespy try to answer.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

Biden, Macron, Merkel… Who will frame the future of Europe? The citizens' view

Prof. François Foret presents the preliminary findings of a research project exploring the cultural and normative foundations of the European multilevel governance provide some insights.

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Conference on the Future of Europe
Cartes blanches

The EU’s role in the world should be at the center of the “Conference on the Future of Europe”

In this "carte blanche" Professor Mario Telò analyzes, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the necessity to strongly and strategically link the needed internal reforms and an enhanced international role for the Union.

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Rule of law backsliding
Alumni, Cartes blanches, Publication, Research

Impunity over rights? When the execution of European Arrest Warrants requires a delicate balance

Lucas Pinelli analyses in this article the consequences that the rule of law backsliding in some Member States is having in judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, News, Research

Jean-Louis Quermonne's essential contribution to the revival of political studies on European integration

Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of Professor Jean-Louis Quermonne, jurist and political scientist, and friend of the Institute of European Studies of the ULB.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Publication, Research

The EU–Turkey deal in the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’: when intergovernmentalism cast a shadow on the EU’s normative power

Why did the EU conclude the ‘EU–Turkey refugee deal’ in March 2016 in the context of the Syrian refugee crisis, despite the fact that the agreement deeply contradicts fundamental EU values and norms? Seda Gürkan Ramona Coman explain.

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Academic, Cartes blanches

European rules on minimum wages: governance by data

By becoming legally binding, can data-based governance, the latest version of “governance by numbers”, square the circle of the legitimacy and efficiency of multi-level policy making?

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Cartes blanches, News, Research

No Amalgamation: USA and EU Facing the Great Asia-Pacific Free Trade Agreement

The RCEP shows the choice of large Pacific economies for multilateralism, free trade, against protectionism and it divides the QUAD, the Indo-Pacific alliance wanted by Trump to isolate China, explains Professor Telò in this carte blanche.

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gender inequality
Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The COVID-19 crisis and gender inequality

There is the pandemic that we all know about, crowding the headlines of our newspapers, taking peoples’ lives, spreading fear and skepticism, turning parents into teachers, separating grandparents from their grandchildren. Then, there is another pandemic, a shadow one that slows down the little progress made until now toward gender equality.   

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Cartes blanches, News

The European Union before the Biden challenge: what transatlantic New Deal?

In this carte blanche, Professor Mario Telò analyzes the impact of the victory of the Biden-Harris duo in transatlantic relations.

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Articles, Cartes blanches, News

Budget and recovery plan for Europe : update on current negotiations

In this article, MEP Philippe Lamberts and IEE’s scientific collaborator François Denuit present the current state of the negotiations between the European parliament and the Council of the EU on the Union’s recovery plan and long term budget.

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European Court of Justice in Luxembourg
Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News

With CEU "expulsion" Hungary violated academic freedom enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

In this carte blanche, Marianne Dony analyses the decision of the Commission v. Hungary (C ‑ 66/18) of 6 October 2020 on, among other things, academic freedom, affected by the closure of the Central European University in Hungary.

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