Current: Book Presentation: Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations
Book Presentation: Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations
Since 2016, the IEE-ULB has lead a "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence" project supported by the European Erasmus+ programme. During the three years of this project, our researchers have put the notion of solidarity at the heart of their work. One of the results was the publication of a book entitled "Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations."
On the occasion of the second biennial conference European Union in European Affairs (EUEA19), devoted to the notion of European solidarity, the authors of the book “Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations” met to present their conclusions.
Get the full book “Les solidarités européennes : entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations, ” edited by Ramona Coman, Louise Fromont and Anne Weyembergh, on the Larcier website.
The IEE-ULB is delighted to welcome Soso Makaradze from the University of Salzburg. His research activities will focus on EU integration, democratic backsliding and public opinion.
IEE-ULB receives EU funding as part of Jean Monnet Network PROSPER led by Professor Federico Fabbrini of the Dublin City University Brexit Institute & Dublin European Law Institute. Professor Paul Dermine will coordinate the Institute’s research team.