Her background
Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Bologna Department of Legal Studies, with a PhD in “Constitutional Justice and Fundamental Rights” (University of Pisa). Before joining the University of Bologna, she was “Ramon y Cajal” Researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University and “Max Weber Fellow” at the European University Institute, under international research fellowships. Assistant editor of Ratio Juris: An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law (Wiley) and Associate Editor of Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Philosophy of Law and Politics (Springer). Member of the Constitutional Theory Network, Law & Philosophy Research Group (UPF), Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy, NOVA Argumentation Centre of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, European Academy of Legal Theory.
Her research topic and interests
My research interests lie in constitutionalism and judicial review, legal reasoning, deliberative democracy and political representation, constituent power.
Why did she choose IEE-ULB for your research visit?
She chose ULB-IEE because of the expertise of its staff in matters of European law and its focus on interdisciplinary research, bringing together experts from law, political science, economics, and history to study European integration.
What are the academic goals of the research visit?
During her stay with the Institute, she will develop her ideas about political representation and transnational democracy.
How to become a visiting researcher at the IEE-ULB
The IEE-ULB regularly welcomes visiting researchers whose work focuses on its main lines of research.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications which must contain: an up-to-date CV, a research project highlighting the link to one or several of the IEE’s four research themes, the proposed research period, and the name of the IEE-affiliated professor who has agreed to act as the researcher’s supervisor.
Applications should be send to Prof. François Foret, Dominique Dembour, and Dr. Marta Matrakova.
Decisions on visiting research applications are taken by the Council of the IEE, which gathers five times per year. Next dates are:
- 12 March 2025 and 19 May 2025.
For any questions about a visiting research stay at the IEE, please contact the IEE’s Research Manager, Dr. Marta Matrakova.