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IDEAS-ELJ best paper award
Academic, Conferences, Research

The IDEAS-ELJ best paper award to be launched in the context of EUqualis 

The IEE will launch, during the upcoming Interdisciplinary conference on European Advanced Studies (IDEAS), the IDEAS-ELJ Best Paper Award, in collaboration with the prestigious European Law Journal.

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Conferences, News

The strengths and limitations of the European way of life

The role of the European Union in promoting the European way of life was the focus of Commissioner Margaritis Schinas' talk in Professor François Foret's "European Union and European Societies" course on January 24, 2022.

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Academic, News, Projects, Research

IEE selected for Horizon Europe funding

RED-SPINEL stands for 'Respond to Emerging Dissensus: SuPranational Instruments and Norms of European democracy'. It seeks to shed light on how European liberal democracy is being contested and what this means for its prospects in the 21st century.

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Tomohiro Fukuda
Academic, News, Research

IEE-ULB welcomes visiting researcher Tomohiro Fukuda

The IEE-ULB is delighted to welcome Tomohiro Fukuda from 14 February 2022 until 18 June 2022. His research activities will focus on administrative resource management in the EU, within the scope of the IEE-ULB research theme “Europe as a community of norms and value”.

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Academic, News, Research, Student life

The IEE welcomes Prof. Paul Betts, Ganshof van der Meersch Chair

The Ganshof van der Meersch Chair 2021-2022, Prof. Paul Betts, from Oxford University, will give a series of lectures to IEE students & hold a public event.

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Groupe d'études géopoliques
Academic, News, Research

The Institut d'études européennes joins the prestigious Groupe d'études géopoliques

The IEE joins the Groupe d'études géopolitiques as partner, along with the College of Europe, the European Institute at Columbia University, the Europe Center at the University of Cambridge and the School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute.

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News, Student life

Eyes on Europe takes a look at the European Green Deal

The Eyes on Europe magazine for the first half of 2021-2022 is out! It is entitled « European Green Deal, une Europe plus verte est-elle possible ? ». We invite you to discover the points of view of the Eyes students on the subject.

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Research logistic collaborator vacancy

Vacancy : Full-Time Research logistic collaborator at the IEE-ULB

The IEE-ULB is searching for a full-time Research logistic collaborator, responsible for the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects.

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postdoctoral fellowships
Academic, News, Research

Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships for the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford

The Wiener - Anspach Foundation awards grants for the academic year 2022-2023 to researchers without a permanent position who have submitted their thesis at ULB and wish to continue their research at the University of Cambridge or Oxford. These grants are open to all disciplines. Deadline for applications: Monday 14 March 2022 at noon.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

EU-ACP Negotiation : even in the past, a tough nut to crack

In this article, our visiting researcher Maurice Pascal Nzumbu Lo Ambetima exposes the very complicated process of negotiation between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific states (ACP) through time.

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Mario Munta
Academic, News, Research

IEE-ULB welcomes Dr. Mario Munta as visiting researcher

The IEE-ULB is delighted to welcome Dr. Mario Munta from 24 January 2022 until 27 February 2022. His research activities will focus on (national) ownership of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility, within the scope of the IEE-ULB research theme “Europe as an area of economic and social regulation”.

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IEE and CoE students
Academic, News, Student life

IEE and CoE students relaunch their debate on the future of the EU

On Wednesday 8 December 2021, a delegation of IEE students went to Bruges to discuss the future of Europe with their counterparts from the College of Europe. This was the second meeting between students of the two institutions after a first successful experience in June 2021.

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Cartes blanches

A defender of the role of the EP in the democracy of the Union

In this carte blanche, Professor Mario Telò pays tribute to the memory of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament until his death on 11 January 2022. 

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The IEE-ULB is hiring a Project Management Assistant

The Institute for European Studies recruits a full-time professional immersion project management assistant. The professional immersion convention can be signed for a maximum of 6 months. The deadline for submissions is February 4th, 2022.

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Academic, Alumni, Conferences, News, Projects, Publication, Research, Student life

A year to (re)build the future

The academic year 2020-2021 was, once again, marked by the coronavirus pandemic. During lockdown, our desire for more Europe intensified. Take a look back at a year full of challenges and rewards.

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inequality and the EU
Academic, News, Projects, Research

The IEE-ULB is awarded with a new Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

The Institute for European Studies is pleased to announce that its project focused on inequality and the EU has been selected as “Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence” for the 2021-2024 period.

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EU's open strategic autonomy
Alumni, Conferences, News

IEE Alumni organise a debate on the concept of EU’s Open Strategic Autonomy

The concept of EU's Open strategic autonomy was at the center of a seminar organized by the IEE Alumni network on November 12, 2021, with the support of the Institute and in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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Mentoring thurdays
Academic, Alumni, News, Student life

Mentoring Thursdays or the joy sharing!

On 18 November, the first Mentoring Thursday of the 2021-2022 academic year took place at the Institute for European Studies, after almost a year of online sessions.

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Emmanuelle Bribosia, Vice-President of the IEE, is appointed judge at the Belgian Constitutional Court

The Institute for European Studies is pleased to announce that its Vice-President, Professor Emmanuelle Bribosia, was sworn in before the King on 8 November to become a judge at the Constitutional Court.

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Academic, News, Publication, Research

Tracing the Politicisation of the EU

The new book, published in the context of the OpenEUDebate project by Palgrave Macmillan, presents an innovative and politically aware approach to the concept of politicisation as a heterogeneous phenomenon. It includes contributions from IEE-ULB affiliates.

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Academic, Alumni, News, Student life

IEE celebrates the graduation of the class of 2020-2021 at the Grand-Place

On Wednesday 6 October 2021, the proclamation ceremony of our 2020-2021 graduates took place. After a new year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, our former students were able to enjoy a ceremony in the magnificent setting of the Grand-Place of Brussels followed by a drink.

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Parliaments of Europe
Academic, News, Publication, Reading lists, Research

The Parliaments of Europe: full part actors or powerless spectators?

In this study, Prof. Nathalie Brack examines how EU national Parliaments have adapted to different crises-driven challenges and assesses their involvement in EU affairs over the past decade.

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the iee-ulb Welcomes
Academic, News, Student life

The IEE-ULB welcomes its new students for 2021-2022

On Friday 17 September, the ULB Institute of European Studies welcomed its 59th generation of students since its opening in 1963. After the welcome speeches by the authorities and the information sessions dedicated to each programme, the new students enjoyed a picnic in the gardens of the Institute.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, News, Research

SOTEU21 : A diluted vision for the East and the South

Ursula von der Leyen's second State of the Union speech (SOTEU21) was analysed by two of our researchers and here we share their thoughts on the vision presented for the East and the South.

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News, Research

IEE-ULB welcomes new visiting researcher Maurice Pascal Nzumbu lo Ambetima

During his stay, visiting researcher Maurice Pascal Nzumbu lo Ambetima will focus on the partnership between the European Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and the Member States of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, on the other.

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News, Research

IEE-ULB welcomes new visiting researcher Jose Antonio Moreno

During his three-month research stay, visiting researcher Jose Antonio Moreno will focus on the political influence of a list of climate change contrarian European think tanks.

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ideas conference
Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

The IEE-ULB relaunches its biennial conference on Interdisciplinary European Advanced Studies (IDEAS)

The Institute for European Studies of the ULB relaunches its biennial conference under the new title: Interdisciplinary conference on European Advanced Studies (IDEAS). The online application system is now open until October 31, 2021.

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Alumni, Projects

A group AlumnIEE will revitalise the network with a rotating co-presidency

A group of committed AlumnIEE will take over the alumni network for 18 months, starting in September. The effort will take the shape of three, 6-month rotating co-presidencies. They will design an engaging and beneficial programme for all IEE students and alumni.

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Academic, Student life

IEE and College of Europe students debate the future of Europe

In this article, we tell you all about the meeting and debate on the future of Europe between students from the IEE-ULB and students from the College of Europe which took place on June 16, 2021.

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The IEE welcomed 7 visiting researchers during the academic year 2020-2021

Each year, the IEE-ULB welcomes a select group of visiting researchers from around the world to deepen their expertise in European studies. In this article, we have a look at the researchers who completed a research stay during the 2020-2021 academic year.

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Academic, Student life

Updated step-by-step guide to apply to one of our regular programmes

Need some help to complete your application to one of the Masters or Advanced Masters under the IEE label ? With this short guide, Interdisciplinary EU studies are a few steps away!

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Academic, Cartes blanches, Research

Understanding Conflicts of Sovereignty in the EU: A new angle to analyse EU integration

In the framework of the SovEU research project (Conflicts of Sovereignty in a European Union in Crisis) the notion of sovereignty and the relevance of sovereignty conflicts in explaining ongoing developments in EU integration were explored in the new book Understanding Conflicts of Sovereignty in the EU, published by Routledge and as a special issue for the Journal of European Integration.

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The IEE-ULB is hiring a Project Management Assistant

The professional immersion convention can be signed for a maximum of 6 months. The deadline for submissions is August 15th, 2021.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The importance of the Istanbul Convention in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, violence against women has been found to have increased. Is the Istanbul Convention the solution to the violence against women in Europe? Now is the time to take stock.

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Academic, Conferences, Research

Shedding light on the increasing complexity of the EU-Africa relationship

IEE-ULB scientific collaborator Dr. Frank Mattheis presents the Jean Monnet Project ‘’ A reassessment of relations between the EU and African regionalisms (ARREAR) ‘’ in our QuestionTime series.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

From Semmelweis to Karikó : Hungarian physicians in the vortex of history

With reference to the Covid-19 context, this paper will examine the stories of Semmelweis, Szent-Györgyi and Karikó which highlight that great medical discoveries often emerge from a confrontation with the forces of conservativism. Scientists and practicioners of medicine find themselves in a fight against the odds of history more often than they would expect.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Conferences

Increasing EU competences in a health crisis situation : necessity or interference?

For the opening of the 'Apéros du droit' of the Centre de droit européen, a web conference on the difficulties encountered during the COVID-19 health crisis and the responses that the Union could provide was organised. The event was chaired by Dr. Louise Fromont (ULB) with the participation of honorary Pr. Marianne Dony (ULB), and Mr Olivier Louppe, lawyer at the Brussels Bar specializing in the field of health.

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free trade in an era of austerity
Academic, News, Publication

The contentious politics of free trade in an era of austerity

“Framing TTIP in the European Public Spheres” (Palgrave), authored by Álvaro Oleart and “Contesting Austerity and Free Trade in the EU” (Routledge), by Julia Rone were presented in a double book launch. 

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Academic, News, Research

Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act

The ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (EUIA21) Conference will once again provide a major forum for academics and policy-makers to debate the role of the EU in the turbulent realm of international affairs. After a postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the seventh edition of this event will take place from 26 to 28 May 2021 and focus on the theme ‘Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act’. 

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Academic, News

IEE Council reelects its leadership trio for the 2021-2023 period

The Council of the Institute for European Studies, meeting on 11 May 2021, has re-elected for two years the leadership trio at the head of the IEE since 2019.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

The covid-19 pandemic and human rights: the European Court of Human Rights as the last resort for judicial oversight?

The covid-19 pandemic has led national authorities around the world to take a series of measures to prevent the spread of the virus. These measures have had and continue to have serious consequences for the enjoyment of human rights. In this article, Ilaria Gambardella questions the role that the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights can play in this regard.

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

European sovereignty, a French projection?

Is European sovereignty a predominantly French projection? Ramona Coman, Nathalie Brack and Amandine Crespy try to answer.

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EU careers
Academic, Conferences, News, Student life

Conference : EU Careers Challenges & Debates

Professor Nicolas Verschueren presented the IEE-ULB and its teaching offer at the ULB's Master's and PhDs Information Session on April 23, 2021.

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Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

Transatlantic cooperation beyond CETA

A webconference was organised on March 29th, 2021 by the IEE-ULB, with the support of the the Embassy of Canada in Belgium and Luxembourg, to discuss transatlantic cooperation beyond CETA.

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Academic, Conferences, News, Student life

The IEE invites you to the ULB's online info session on Masters & PhDs

On Friday, April 23, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the Université libre de Bruxelles invites you to an info session on Master's & PhDs (SIMA). Discover EU studies at the ULB!

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Teaching and Theorising European politics
Academic, News, Publication

Teaching and Theorising European politics in times of crisis

"Governance and Politics in the Post-Crisis European Union" (Cambridge University Press, 2020), edited by Ramona Coman, Amandine Crespy and Vivien A. Schmidt and "Theorising the Crises of the European Union" (Routledge, 2021), edited by Nathalie Brack and Seda Gürkan were presented in a double book launch.

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MyonJung Kim visiting researcher
News, Research

The IEE-ULB welcomes new visiting researcher MyonJung Kim

During his one-year research stay, visiting researcher MyonJung Kim brings a comparative perspective of Korea and other Asian countries as well as an analysis of Korea-Europe relations.

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ULB's online open house
Academic, News, Student life

The IEE invites you to the ULB's Online Open House

Join us at the ULB’s Online Open House on March 24, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and let’s find out together if European studies are made for you!

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Academic, Articles, Cartes blanches, Research

Biden, Macron, Merkel… Who will frame the future of Europe? The citizens' view

Prof. François Foret presents the preliminary findings of a research project exploring the cultural and normative foundations of the European multilevel governance provide some insights.

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Prof. André Sapir joins the High-Level Advisory Group on post-COVID economic and social challenges

Former IEE-ULB President, Professor André Sapir joined the High-Level Advisory Group of academics convened by Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni to reflect on post-COVID economic and social challenges

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