New visiting researcher
The IEE-ULB is delighted to welcome visiting researcher Ms. Iuliana Mihai. Ms. Miahi is a Ph.D. student and research assistant at the Economics Department of the University of A Coruña in Spain.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in international Relations and European Studies (2014) and a Master’s degree in International Development Studies (2016) from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. Additionally, she has been a visiting scholar at University of Turin in Italy (2019) and a Blue Book trainee at the Representation of the European Commission in Bucharest in Romania (2018).
Iuliana Mihai’s research at the IEE-ULB
Ms. Mihai’s research interests include migration and development economics, with a specific emphasis on the interrelationship between migration determinants, culture, inequality and sustainable development. Her research can be framed within the IEE’s research themes ‘Europe as an area of economic and social regulation’ and ‘Europe as a community of norms and values’.
Ms. Mihai’s doctoral dissertation focuses on the cultural and labour market aspects of European migration. From 26 October 2020 to 29 January 2021, she will be at the IEE-ULB to adopt a gender perspective on high skilled female migration in Brussels, under the supervision of Dr. Federica Infantino. The focus will be on conducting retrospective in-depth interviews with a life course approach, where aspects of personal and professional life (especially focused on gender relations, perceived transitions and life events) are evaluated before and after migration to Brussels.
How to become a visiting researcher at the IEE-ULB
Each academic year, the IEE-ULB hosts a select group of visiting researchers who work around our 4 research themes.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their applications which must contain: an up-to-date CV, a research project highlighting the link to one or several of the IEE’s four research themes, the proposed research period, and the name of the IEE-affiliated professor who has agreed to act as the researcher’s supervisor.
Applications should be send to Prof. Ramona Coman, Michela Arcarese, and Dr. Jozefien Van Caeneghem.
Decisions on visiting research applications are taken by the Council of the IEE, which gathers five times per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, the dates are:
- in 2020: 25 August, 19 October
- in 2021: 7 January, 16 March, 11 May
For any questions about a visiting research stay at the IEE, please contact the IEE’s Research Logistic Coordinator, Dr. Jozefien Van Caeneghem.