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Category: Research

academic year
Academic, Alumni, Conferences, News, Projects, Research, Student life

An academic year devoted to Europe of knowledge

The 2018-2019 academic year allowed the IEE-ULB to develop initiatives around its three missions: research, teaching and public debate. Here is a glimpse of this productive year during which we looked at European issues such as the rule of law, the European elections and Brexit.

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Marianne Dony liber amicorum
Academic, Research

A book to honour Marianne Dony's exceptional career

This volume published in honour of Professor Marianne Dony deals with the main subjects of European law that she has studied throughout her career. Like a kaleidoscope reflecting an infinite number of images, the diversity of the subjects covered reflects not only the versatility of Marianne Dony's expertise, but also the essential place of European law in the lives of European citizens

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Policy recommendations on European solidarity
Academic, Conferences, News, Research

Policy recommendations to enhance European solidarity

Solidarity has been at the centre of research and teaching activities of the Institute for European Studies of the ULB for the past three years. As our a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence project, supported by the European Erasmus+ programme, comes to an end, we asked academics to issue policy recommendations on the different aspects of European solidarity at the heart of their work.

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Alumni, Cartes blanches, Research

How Does the EU Communicate in Times of Contestation?

Communicating to legitimize the EU has been an evolutive process for the European Commission. Communication cannot, however, replace policymaking. If the persisting top-down approach that defines priorities, validates them through dialogue and informs the marketing of the EU as a brand does not evolve towards a bottom-up approach where citizens speak up and are capital in defining policy-making priorities, the communication efforts will end-up falling short and will not function as a bridge to approach citizens to the EU institutions.

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humanitarian assistance to migrants
News, Research

Blocked at Sea: the Stakes of Acting Solidarily in the EU

The IEE-ULB introduces its new "Question time" series, a short interview with our researchers and academics about a subject making headlines. Humanitarian assistance to migrants has become one of the great challenges of the EU. Can the Union safeguard solidarity or is it a task for Member States? Chloé Brière responds.

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Academic, Conferences, Research

Call for papers: The European Union in International Affairs

The ‘European Union in International Affairs’ (#EUIA20) conference invites paper abstracts and panel proposals for its 7th edition, focusing on the theme ‘Assessing the EU’s Capacity to Act’.

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full-time doctoral position
Academic, Research

VACANCY | One full-time doctoral position at the IEE-ULB (closed)

JOB VACANCY - Call for applications. One full-time doctoral position 2019-2023, Mini ARC doctoral scholarship Conditionality and the Rule of Law in the EU polity.

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Matching politics with policy
Academic, Projects, Research

Matching politics with policy

What can academia do to bridge the gap between citizens of the EU and the EU itself? Tackling this issue is one of the objectives of OpenEUDebate, a Jean Monnet Network where IEE-ULB participates as a member.

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European Solidarity
Academic, News, Research

Is there a chance for European solidarity?

Last June 6, the prospects for European solidarity mechanisms in the aftermath of the 2019 elections were at the centre of a debate between policy makers, academics and civil society representatives at the IEE-ULB

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newly elected authorities
Academic, Research

IEE-ULB elects new authorities

The Academic Council of the ULB's Institute of European Studies met last Tuesday to elect its new authorities for the period 2019-2021, with Professor Ramona Coman as the new President. Professors Emmanuelle Bribosia and Nicolas Verschueren complete the directorial trio.

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Conferences, News, Research, Student life

President of the Brussels parliament opens our debates on the EU elections

The Brussels Parliament, the ULB, and the VUB collaborate to create a space for open debate a few weeks before the upcoming EU elections.

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Brexit and the EU Area of Criminal Justice
Academic, Conferences, News, Research

Brexit and a New Future for Justice

On April 25th and 26th, the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN) will host a conference on “Brexit and the EU Area of Criminal Justice,” relating to the Université Libre of Bruxelles’ thematic year Europe of Knowledge.

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visions of europe
Academic, News, Projects, Research, Student life

Share your visions of Europe

Given the current state of the integration process and the challenges ahead, discussing the visions of our common future in Europe is more necessary than ever. We invite you to participate this March 20 on an Open EU Debate forum and share your views.

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European values
Academic, Conferences, News, Projects, Research

"The European Elections should be about values," says MEP Sargentini

For the formal opening of its academic year, the Institute for European Studies (ULB) had the privilege to welcome Judith Sargentini, Dutch Member of the European Parliament, who gave a lecture "Rule of Law in European Member States: a shared responsibility?"

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Europe of knowledge
Academic, Projects, Research

A year dedicated to “Europe of knowledge”

By dedicating its academic year to "Europe of knowledge," the ULB wants to put forward the space for cooperation and knowledge creation in Europe, and dig into the challenges that reasearchers will face in the EU of tomorrow.

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european asylum and migration policy
Academic, News, Research

The ULB will participate in an international research consortium on European asylum and migration policies and practices

The Institute of European Studies (IEE) and Centre for Research in International Politics (REPI) of the ULB will participate in the international consortium Advancing Alternative Migration Governance (ADMIGOV), led by the University of Amsterdam (UvA). This project has received a subsidy of €3 million under the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, for a duration of 4 years.

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Jean Monnet
Academic, News, Projects, Research

The Institute for European Studies of the ULB awarded two Jean Monnet projects

Academics and researchers affiliated to the IEE-ULB were awarded two Jean Monnet project, including an individual module on the Rule of Law to be coordinated by the IEE’s Director, professor Ramona Coman, and a consortium bringing together the ULB, the VUB, the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) and Agenda Pública

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Academic, Articles, News, Research

Armenia and Belarus: Caught between the EU and Russia?

Syuzanna Vasilyan, IEE-ULB affiliated researcher co-authors a recently published paper on Armenia and Belarus' relationship with the EU and Russia with Alena Viera, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Here are some of their findings.

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Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

From European to Transatlantic Solidarity

Watch the opening and closing sessions of the first biennial conference EUEA17, focusing on European and transatlantic solidarity.

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controversial approaches towards european solidarity
Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

Solidarity at the center of a 2-day academic and policy debate

The two-day conference #EUEA17 represented an opportunity for an academic and policy oriented discussion on European solidarity.

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Research logistic collaborator vacancy
Academic, Conferences, Projects, Research

Controversial Approaches towards European Solidarity

On May 22-23, the Institut d’études européennes at the ULB hosts the first Biennial Conference “EU in European Affairs – EUEA.” The focus will be Euopean Solidarity.

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