Dissensus Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes

Tag: Dissensus

News, Podcast, Projects, Research

Making sense of the challenges liberal democracy faces in the EU

A new episode of "Making Sense of EU" is out. Join us as we discuss the challenges facing liberal democracy in the European Union with Professor Ramona Coman.

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post-doctoral research fellow
Academic, News, Projects, Research

We're hiring a post-doctoral research fellow for RED-SPINEL (Horizon Europe)

The IEE is looking for a full-time Post-Doctoral Fellow in the framework of the Horizon Europe project RED-SPINEL ('Respond to Emerging Dissensus: SuPranational Instruments and Norms of European democracy').

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Academic, Projects, Research

GEM-DIAMOND officially launched on October 19 at the IEE-ULB

The kick-off conference, held in Brussels, had the objective of jump-starting a four-year-long shared intellectual journey around the concept of dissensus.

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Academic, News, Projects, Research

Call for Applications: 16 MSCA Doctoral Fellowships - GEM-DIAMOND

Coordinated by the Institut d’études européennes (IEE) the project sets out to assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels, and mounting Normative Dissensus (DIAMOND).

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News, Projects, Research

Doctoral network GEM-DIAMOND to be funded by the European Commission

The GEM-DIAMOND doctoral network is part of a multiannual international research effort on Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism (GEM) and will assess the EU’s capacity to act given the challenges facing Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus (DIAMOND).

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