Making Sense of EU Archives - L'Institut d'études européennes

Tag: Making Sense of EU

gender inequality
News, Podcast, Projects, Research

Making sense of gender inequality in the EU

Why has gender become such a loaded word? As anti-gender campains keep emerging in the EU, we discuss the actors and networks behind them with Professor David Paternotte in our new episode of our podcast Making Sense of EU.

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making sense of inequality
Multimedia, News, Podcast, Projects

Making sense of inequality in EU external action

War in European soil is the latest test on EU resilience. After living in a polycrisis for the last couple of decades, the European Union is facing one of its toughest trials, one that is pushing it out of its “soft power” approach to international relations. How will the EU handle a return to War in Europe? And how does inequality manifest in this context?  

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making sense of inequality
Multimedia, News, Podcast, Projects

Making sense of EU: new podcast by the Institut d’études européennes

The Institut d’études européennes is happy to announce the launch of its podcast “Making sense of EU”, a seasonal production that seeks to shed light on EU affairs through the latest scientific research by IEE academics, researchers, and project partners.

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