The IEE-ULB and RED-SPINEL project are pleased to invite you to the Keynote Address by Gábor Halmai (EUI), entitled "Illiberalism within the EU: How to Solve the Value Crisis ?"
Lire la suiteThe annual conference of the REP-SPINEL project will open on March 17th with a public conference on Rule of law, liberal democracy & economic governance in the EU. During the half-a-day conference we will hear both academic and practitioner’s perspective on the topic.
Lire la suiteThe IEE-ULB and RED-SPINEL project are pleased to invite you to the Keynote Address by Gábor Halmai (EUI), entitled "Illiberalism within the EU: How to Solve the Value Crisis ?"
Lire la suiteThe annual conference of the REP-SPINEL project will open on March 17th with a public conference on Rule of law, liberal democracy & economic governance in the EU. During the half-a-day conference we will hear both academic and practitioner’s perspective on the topic.
Lire la suiteOn 18 March 2025 the members of the Horizon Europe RED SPINEL project will meet for their annual conference to discuss their contributions to Palgrave Handbook of Dissensus over Liberal coordinated by Ramona Coman, Claudia Badulescu, Thomas Christiansen and Marta Simoncini.
Lire la suiteOn 18 March 2025 the members of the Horizon Europe RED SPINEL project will meet for their annual conference to discuss their contributions to Palgrave Handbook of Dissensus over Liberal coordinated by Ramona Coman, Claudia Badulescu, Thomas Christiansen and Marta Simoncini.
Lire la suiteTous les mois, dans votre boîte de réception.