From the Ivory Tower to the House

Informal Exchanges with MEP René Repasi

In 2022, René Repasi took leave from his academic home, Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he had been a professor in European law since 2014, to join the European Parliament as MEP (SPD). As a member of the ECON, IMCO and JURI committees, he has been very active, and has tried to capitalise on his experience as an EU lawyer and as an academic to push his political agenda.

The Center for European Law and the Institut d’études européennes of the ULB are very happy to welcome René Repasi. In a dialogue with Paul Dermine and Ramona Coman, he will reflect on his experience as an MEP, and share his impressions of his institution, and the European policy-making process. He will also evoke some of the big files he has been involved in and will consider the challenges of the upcoming electoral year.

Practical information

Date: 15/11/2023

Time: 4PM-5.30PM

Place: Institut d’études européennes, 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1150. Room Spaak. 
