About the Policy Panel

The policy panel, co-hosted with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), will gather personalities from politics and civil society to exchange on the pressing topic of affordable housing in Europe. The discussion will focus on housing inequalities and the role of EU policymaking to help member states deliver more affordable housing, support social housing and energy efficiency of buildings.

About the Speakers

    • Michaela Kauer, director at the Brussels Office of the City of Vienna, is a reknown expert on EU urban policy, affordable housing and public services with a strong gender equality focus.   From 2015-2018, she was one of two coordinators of the EU Urban Partnership on Affordable Housing. Currently, she serves as jury member for the European Responsible Housing Initiative Awards and is in the steering group of the Europe Housing Forum organised by Habitat for Humanity.
    • Sorcha Edwards is General Secretary of Housing of Europe, the European Federation of Public, Cooperative and Social Housing since 2014.  Her academic career which led her to this position, covered business and languages at Dublin City University, University of Salamanca & University of Ulster, to a Masters in European studies at the University of Leuven and a post-graduate diploma in sustainability in the build environment at the East London University. 
    • Ana Carla Pereira serves as an expert in the Cabinet of the Commissioner Nicolas Schmit for Jobs and Social Rights. Her work primarilly addresses initiatives related to  the European Pillar of Social Rights with a particular emphasis on housing policies and homeslessness.

The discussion will be chaired by Lászlo Andor, Secretary General, FEPS, Lecturer ULB-IEE and former EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and inclusion.

Practical information

When: May 16th 2024, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm

Where: IEE-ULB | Salle Spaak | 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt | Campus Solbosch | ULB


About the IDEAS24 conference

The IDEAS conference is a forum to present and discuss cutting-edge research investigating inequality in relationship with European politics and policies. It brings together scholars interested in how the EU has been a driver of inequality or, on the contrary, how it has tackled it in a number of policy domains.

The biennial Interdisciplinary conference on European Advanced Studies (IDEAS) is a three-day scientific event organized by the Institut d’études européennes of the Université libre de Bruxelles (IEE-ULB) in collaboration with the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (IES-VUB) and the Politics and International Studies Department at the University of Warwick (PaIS-UoW).

Discover the detailed programme of the conference here.


This conference is organised with the support of IEE’s Jean Monnet Center of Excellence EUqualis, devoted the important topic Inequality and the EU and it is cofunded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union (101047382 —EUqualis — ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH).