On March 28th and 29th, the conference “The Treaty of Lisbon, 10 Years Later: A Crossroads?” will take place at the Institute of European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles. This conference is co-organized by the European law blog, the Institute of European Studies, and the Faculty of Law and Criminology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Institute of European Studies of the Université Saint-Louis and Alliance Europa, with the support of Belgian funding for scientific research (FNRS).

The conference will create an opportunity to discuss and reflect on the progress made during these last few years under the Treaty of Lisbon, and to assess and reflect on these weaknesses and possible improvements. Fundamentally, during this pivotal period, the conference will analyze the advancement of the European project as a whole and question the direction of its future path.

These contributions will be later included in a post on the blog Droit européen. 

To see the program  click here 

Practical information

Date: 28 & 29 of March, 2019

Time: 9:30-5:00 pm on March 28 | 9:00-12:00 March 29.

Place: Institut d’études européennes de l’ULB, Room Spaak

Register here