On April 26th, the ULB organises its Open House for Masters and PhDs (Séance d’information sur les Masters et le Doctorats -SIMA) In this context the IEE-ULB will host:
An information session on programmes in European studies
Conference : « Becoming a professional in European issues »
At the Institute for European Studies | 39 avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 1050.
Presentation of the Institute for European Studies (12h00-12h45), Room Spaak.
Presentation of the programmes in European studies (12h45-13h30)
- Specialized Master in Interdisciplinary EU Studies
- Specialized Master in European Law
- Master in European Studies
Representatives from our student associations, SAIES and Eyes on Europe, will also be present.
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
Information desk
Building K, Campus Solbosch (15h00-18h00)
During this open house on Masters, Specialized Masters and PhDs, you’ll have the opportunity to meet representatives from all faculties of the ULB as well as from the student affairs departments.
You can gather all the information needed for you future studies and ask all the questions you may have to specialists in the area.
A “Europe of knowledge” stand
Building S, Campus Solbosch (15h00-18h00)
This “Europe of knowlege” stand will honnour European diversity at the ULB by presenting performances by student artists, a tasting of plates and drinks from different EU member states and fun activities organised by our students (EU quiz, games), etc.
This initiative is part of the activities of the academic year the ULB has devoted to “Europe of knowledge” (Europe de la connaissance).