Teaching projects at the IEE-ULB - L'Institut d'études européennes

Teaching projects at the IEE-ULB

The IEE-ULB coordinates several projects focused on producing innovative teaching in European studies 

Supported mainly by the Erasmus Plus program of the European Commission and the Encouragement Funds for Teaching in European Studies, the IEE-ULB projects enhance our students’ professional skills.

Ongoing projects

Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence EUqualis 

The Institute for European Studies is pleased to announce that its project focused on inequality in the European Union has been selected as “Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence” for the 2021-2024 period.  

The project EUqualis, directly involving a dozen academics and researchers affiliated with the Institute, aims to investigate how the EU deals with the problem of inequalities among individuals, territories and states. It has been conceived using a bottom-up, interdisciplinary approach. The focus on inequality follows the previous work on European Solidarity and EU Crises produced at the IEE-ULB. 

About EUqualis

Jean Monnet Project ARREAR

Since September 2020, the project “A reassessment of relations between the EU and African regionalisms (ARREAR)” reinforces the IEE’s research pillar “Europe in the World”. For a period of two years, ARREAR works on shedding light on the increasing complexity of the EU-Africa relationship. The project is coordinated by Frank Mattheis and Elisa Lopez Lucia and was selected for funding by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Jean Monnet programme.

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Jean Monnet Module EU Criminal Law Clinic

Awarded in September 2020, for a period of three years, the Jean Monnet Module EU-Clinic supports several innovative teaching activities in EU Criminal Law. In this way, it contributes to the dissemination of knowledge in a rapidly expanding area of EU law that is still under-integrated into higher education and training curricula. The support provided by the Jean Monnet Module is more broadly intended to contribute to the University’s ability to provide a specialized curriculum in EUCriminal Law and stimulate interest for this fast-developing EU policy area. 

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Recent projects

Jean Monnet Module RoLETTE

The Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles coordinated since September 2018 a Jean Monnet Module dealing with the rule of law and mutual trust in global and European studies.  In recent years, the salience of these concepts has considerably increased not only within the EU but also in other regions/regional organizations.

The project created a platform of academic and expert discussion that will shade light on current debates about the independence of the judiciary and the aim of specific judicial reforms in EU member states and beyond.

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Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

IEE-ULB has been recognized as a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. This certification provides the Institute with resources to finance both teaching and research activities. The project awarded in 2016 is dedicated to European solidarity.

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Encouragement Funds for Teaching in European Studies

The project reinforced the professionalization dimension of teaching in European studies by preparing students to enter the workplace. The objective is to allow students to develop new competencies relevant to their future professional life and to facilitate the link between the theory acquired in the classroom and the practical skills expected from them in EU affairs.

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