Political narratives of immigration in comparison
Lire la suitePolitical narratives of immigration in comparison
Lire la suiteThe annual conference of the REP-SPINEL project will open on March 17th with a public conference on Rule of law, liberal democracy & economic governance in the EU. During the half-a-day conference we will hear both academic and practitioner’s perspective on the topic.
Lire la suiteThe annual conference of the REP-SPINEL project will open on March 17th with a public conference on Rule of law, liberal democracy & economic governance in the EU. During the half-a-day conference we will hear both academic and practitioner’s perspective on the topic.
Lire la suiteNarratives on Europe through the lens of cultural players at the ‘margins’
Lire la suiteNarratives on Europe through the lens of cultural players at the ‘margins’
Lire la suitePolitiques publiques symboliques dans une perspective comparée
Lire la suitePolitiques publiques symboliques dans une perspective comparée
Lire la suiteHow social identities and political preferences help us understand how people perceive Europe (and narratives)
Lire la suiteHow social identities and political preferences help us understand how people perceive Europe (and narratives)
Lire la suiteExiste t-il une culture européenne audiovisuelle accessible à tou·te·s ?
Lire la suiteExiste t-il une culture européenne audiovisuelle accessible à tou·te·s ?
Lire la suiteThe 9th edition of the EUIA conference taking place in Brussels in May 2025 offers a forum to debate the different considerations of the EU’s relations within a fragmenting world in the past five years. Academics, practitioners, early-career researchers and doctoral candidates have the possibility to submit papers until October 25th.
Lire la suiteThe 9th edition of the EUIA conference taking place in Brussels in May 2025 offers a forum to debate the different considerations of the EU’s relations within a fragmenting world in the past five years. Academics, practitioners, early-career researchers and doctoral candidates have the possibility to submit papers until October 25th.
Lire la suiteTous les mois, dans votre boîte de réception.