Afterwork discussion

Topics covered will include:

  • A presentation of key findings of the newly published book ‘Inequality and the European Union. New frontiers in Political Science and Law’ edit. by Amandine Crespy and Chloé Brière
  • A series of academic presentations covering EU’s intersectionality efforts and challenges, AI biases and potential solutions, and gender inequalities/environmental justice within the context of EU climate policies
  • Panel discussions by distinguished policymakers, followed by a Q&R with the audience

Practical information

When: March 27 | 17.30–19.00 

Where: OSE | Nordic House Building | 3 rue du Luxembourg |1000 Brussels 



Welcome & Introduction with Slavina Spasova (Director, OSE)

|  Introduction of the Book

  • Amandine Crespy (Professor in Political Science & EU Studies, ULB)
    Presentation of key findings of the book on inequalities

|  Short Academic Presentations – Chair: Amandine Crespy

  • Serena D’Agostino (Senior Researcher in Political Science, UA and Senior Associate Researcher BsoG-VUB)
    A Union of Equality: A Promising Step Forward or a Missed Opportunity to Be Truly Intersectional?
  • Fabian Lütz (PhD candidate, University of Lausanne, Legal Officer at Equinet)
    Revisiting Gender-Based Discrimination in the Algorithmic Age
  • Chiara Armeni (Professor of European Environmental Law, Director of the Centre for European Law, ULB)
    Inequality in EU climate policies and regulation

|  Policy Panel Discussion – Chair: Slavina Spasova

  • Ana Carla Pereira (Director, Equality and Non-Discrimination, DG JUST)
    The European Commission’s perspective on gender inequalities in the digital and green transitions
  • Isabelle Schömann (Deputy General Secretary, ETUC)
    Labor rights and social policies in the gender inequality debate
  • Elizabeth Gosme (Director of COFACE Families)
    Policy recommendations for more gender equitable EU transitions
  • Dainius Žalimas (MEP, Renew Europe, Vice-chair FEMM – tbc)

Q and R with the audience
Closing Remarks with Amandine Crespy & Slavina Spasova

19.00– 20.00 Buffet